I know this one guy, named __________. His eyes are the color______, and they remind me of ____________________. He changes my look at the world. A world I once saw so straight forward and simple show, showed me the unordinaries of this life. It's like seeing a new color when I talk to him sometimes. He makes me see what I do wrong, I wonder if I do the same for him. He is really amazing at _________________, and when he does that a smile sits on my heart for quite a while. Sometimes he ____________, which makes me wonder, should I really be thinking about him this much? But then I remember, no one's perfect; especially not me. When he does that thing, of course I think "wow, really?" but in time I come to enjoy it and enjoy nudging him when he does it. And the way he makes me ______________, I wish I could do that all the time, but I usually only do that when he's near.
I know this one girl. She has this way of standing, where the wind is perfectly blowing her hair and the sunshine dances upon it making her ___________________ hair smile in a way? She also has this way of coming into my mind quite often, and my dreams. She can _______________ really well, and all I can do is stand in awe when she does. I'm not the kind of person to really describe love in such surfaced terminology, but it's pretty hard just to describe her in general. Yes, I am only ___________ years old, but I have this thing in the back of my mind saying "whatever you do: make sure she stays by you for a very, very long time." I like to say we're good friends, and she does too, but I feel this sense in my heart that that might change one day. Maybe it's just me. Her name is _______________.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions”
Rainer Maria Rilke
If this post is irrevelant to you, please do not try to force relevance on it, that was never the intention. If you have that person who always stays in the back of your mind and all you can say is "I know, I know..." then maybe this is relevant to you. Maybe you can fill in the blanks. But with any of these posts, never feel like you have to. Observing as pure true writing is very fun, too. (: If you can relate, great! If you can't, great! (:
this post is relevant.
ReplyDeleteso terribly relevant.
how do you do it?
Why...are you so amazing?! Haha...but seriously. I need your tips. Beofre I saw the bottom paragraph, I thought there was a you-know-who I should be worrying about! :D Love you!
ReplyDeletefunny funny brookie ;) youve got writing skills already my friend. and thanks rei. i actually think of people like you guys to help the relevance. so this wouldn't be here without yall. (;