Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Heart in the Oven .

Dear God,

____________ is changing. My ____________ is changing. Things are just... changing. And I have no clue what is to happen next. I've never felt this way before, and I've never been at this point in my life before. I don't know why I'm here but I am and it's all a part of Your plan God.

But along the way sometimes I struggle with these changes. As people grow apart and as other grow closer, and as I continue to get more paranoid, I realize that I'm feeling emotions of ________ that I've either never really felt before or that I've never felt as strong before. And I don't really know what to do about them. These emotions sting as they sit on my heart. And they're not necessarily bad emotions, but it's like cooking a cake without a toothpick-- you never really know when it's actually done cooking or not, unless you stick your finger in there and screw up the whole cake. And my heart hurts once in a while as it sits here cooking, burning, changing, changing into something new and for the better I guess, but it still hurts cooking.

I always have to wonder which side is changing, though. Is it me, becoming stronger in certain emotions and weaker in others, or is it my surroundings changing? Am I revolving around my surroundings or are my surroundings and the people inside them revolving around me? I think I know the answer to that one but what I meant was, is the universe turning over a new side or am I? Or what if we're BOTH turning over a new side?

God, You know whats up. You're probably reading this letter thinking, "Come on __________, just hold on. It's all turning out for the better." You've told us that Love is patient. And I believe it. God, while these times are changing, or I'm changing, or whatever; while my heart is cooking to be something maybe new or for the better, I pray that You would give me the patience while I feel burned in certain areas of the process. And I pray that I could just love every minute of every day to the fullest, and every ONE to the fullest. And to never forget that You are in control... which is the best part.

Love, _____________

Sunday, June 12, 2011

[God Only Knows] about the [Yellow] Stars the [Scientist] Studies.

[For these next few, fill in the blank with one name for each blank. You can apply the lyrics to more than one person, but to make sense think of one name and use it for the whole set of lyrics.]

I may not always love ____________
But long as there are stars above ___________
_________ never needs to doubt it
I'll make _____________ so sure about it

God only knows what I'd be without _____________

If __________ should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me

God only knows what I'd be without _________


Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for __________,
And everything ________ does,
Yeah, they were all yellow.
I came along,
I wrote a song for _____,
And all the things ________ does,
And it was called "Yellow".
So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all "Yellow."
__________'s skin,
Oh yeah _________'s skin and bones,
Turn into something beautiful,
You know, you know I love you so,
You know I love you so.
I swam across,
I jumped across for _______,
Oh what a thing to do.
Cos you were all "Yellow",
I drew a line,
I drew a line for _________,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all "Yellow."
_________'s skin,
Oh yeah _______'s skin and bones,
Turn into something beautiful,
And you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.
It's true,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine.
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And all the things that you do.


Come up to meet _______
Tell _______ I'm sorry
_______ doesn't know how lovely (he/she/it) is
I had to find _________
Tell ______ "I need you"
Tell ______ I set (him/her/it) apart
Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles
Calling tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science
Science and progress
Did not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
I want to rush to the start
Running in circles
Chasing tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start


But in the midst of these thoughts you might have, please remember:

"So when the song's out of key
when the world's not in tune
I'll look up to the composer
and know these clashes will harmonize soon"


hang in there.

[1st song: "God Only Knows"--Beach Boys
2nd song: "Yellow" --Coldplay
3rd song: "The Scientist"-- Coldplay
'these clashes will harmonize soon...'-- myself]

Friday, May 13, 2011

What is Pain's Address anyway?

Dear Pain,

This is a letter to you. You may be wondering why I'm writing a letter to you, but I've been told so often lately to face and embrace my fears; and you are the cause of so much of them. Maybe this can help rid myself of you, or see how we can all benefit from you.

Pain, you were introduced to me at first in a situation where, at first, you did not seem very scary. In fact, you seemed really awesome, or cool. But then, it came. You were NOT really awesome, or cool; you came in the form of ______________________. And you never did leave.

Sure, you get numbed sometimes; and I don't feel you, when I do activities like _______________ing, _____________________ing, or sometimes _____________. But when people start chatting about __________________, it comes up inside of me again. Their words plant seeds of worry in my head, and fear waters the worry, turning into pain. And all I can do is sit, pretend to smile, and look it over.

Pain, you are really not fun. In fact, you cause me to do crazy things, like __________________, ______________, or ______________. You control and aggrivate my mind, sometimes to the point where I _____________ or I DON'T ________________. You and fear must be really good friends-- with eachother; not with me.

But pain, I need you to know something. What I'm about to explain is the purpose of this whole letter. Even at the WORST times in my life, or when I observe the worst times in someone else's life, I know everyday is a new day and a new chance to start over. I've learned life is like an endless coloring book. We try so hard to color and stay inside the lines, but guess what, pain? We mess up, and screw up. We color outside those dang lines and ruin the whole picture. And we feel pain because we feel like we messed up.

But there is someone, no; something, who LOVES it when I mess up, more or less. I'd actually say He loves it the most when I mess up and when I do I just come running back to Him. And you know what, Pain? I am going to start to love you like He loves me running back to Him. Because you call me to run to Him, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It's there I realize what I'm really on this Earth for.

You also, in a sense, make me stronger. I become immune to your pain, so next time pain hits me, it doesn't sting as much; that way I have more room for hope instead of bitterness and frustration and fear. But I've also learn it is okay to feel all of those things for a certain amount of time because they are all apart of the healing proccess.

I never knew His grace and forgiveness until I met you. So for that, thank you.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Comparing Contrasts that are Complementary.

I know this one guy, named __________. His eyes are the color______, and they remind me of ____________________. He changes my look at the world. A world I once saw so straight forward and simple show, showed me the unordinaries of this life. It's like seeing a new color when I talk to him sometimes. He makes me see what I do wrong, I wonder if I do the same for him. He is really amazing at _________________, and when he does that a smile sits on my heart for quite a while. Sometimes he ____________, which makes me wonder, should I really be thinking about him this much? But then I remember, no one's perfect; especially not me. When he does that thing, of course I think "wow, really?" but in time I come to enjoy it and enjoy nudging him when he does it. And the way he makes me ______________, I wish I could do that all the time, but I usually only do that when he's near.

I know this one girl. She has this way of standing, where the wind is perfectly blowing her hair and the sunshine dances upon it making her ___________________ hair smile in a way? She also has this way of coming into my mind quite often, and my dreams. She can _______________ really well, and all I can do is stand in awe when she does. I'm not the kind of person to really describe love in such surfaced terminology, but it's pretty hard just to describe her in general. Yes, I am only ___________ years old, but I have this thing in the back of my mind saying "whatever you do: make sure she stays by you for a very, very long time." I like to say we're good friends, and she does too, but I feel this sense in my heart that that might change one day. Maybe it's just me. Her name is _______________.


“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions”
Rainer Maria Rilke

If this post is irrevelant to you, please do not try to force relevance on it, that was never the intention. If you have that person who always stays in the back of your mind and all you can say is "I know, I know..." then maybe this is relevant to you. Maybe you can fill in the blanks. But with any of these posts, never feel like you have to. Observing as pure true writing is very fun, too. (: If you can relate, great! If you can't, great! (:

Monday, April 25, 2011

____________+me= -Chaos

Complication is my claim to fame
I can’t believe there’ s another, constantly just another
and I can’t avoid what I can’t control
I’m losing ground, still I can’t stand down
I Know, yeah I know… Yeah

I know _______ stays true when my world is false
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
I always see ________ when my sight is lost
everything around’s breaking down to chaos

It’s hard to trust anyone again
after all the let downs I’ve been through,
haunted by what I’ve been through.

Air’s still trapped, while I still can’t breathe
and I’m screaming out, give me help somehow
I know, yeah I know… Yeah

I know _____ stays true when my world is false
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
I always see ___________ when my sight is lost
everything around’s breaking down to chaos

I know _______ stay true when my world is false
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
I always see _________________ when my sight is lost
everything around’s breaking down to chaos

Chaos, chaos

and the lyrics go on.

this song is Chaos by MuteMath

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Falling (in ________) Rocks

Falling (In _________) Rocks.
(written by Chrissy Zschomler please donnot steal)

Driving up an old hill
there was a yellow warning mark
taht read "Fallings rocks," and I got scared
As I kept driving through the dark

I get closer to the yield
And as my vision soon unblocks
what the yellow actually reads
is "Falling in ________ rocks"

[pre chorus]
And I took the sign as a sign,
to pull over and examine my mind.
Could the rocks hitting me on the head
really do more than just bring me dread?

I took the sign as a sign,
I took the sign as a sign
Leave my painful days behind,
because ______ is all mine!

I took the sign as a sign,
I took the sign as a sign
_____ was never really blind,
we just need to read between the lines.

So I'll keep driving along
and rocks will come and go
but in this avalanche
there is one thing that we know

that ________ will never leave,
and from the rocks our care may dent
but love gives us new trasnportation
that doesn't cost a cent!



When I talk about this _________,
I don't mean all the __________ (<--- two syllables, different word than the previous blanks)
I mean sacrifice and real friendships
and gettin a seventh chance,

From somethin bigger than all of us,
the big sign in the sky?
And we sit here as humans
Singin' "Life, ______ (the original blank) and why"

And I took the sign as a sign
to leave my lonely days behind
could the rocks dancing down my spine
be giving me a gift of an enduring mind?


What is that _______ that repeats throughout the song to you? (Besides the one blank in the bridge after the second chorus. That should be different than all the rest.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

___________ Beginnings.

Hello, my name is _____________. I run a blog called "The _______ Blog." What a __________ name for a blog, right? Well, this blog has a purpose. The purpose of this blog is so that YOU may be able to fill in the ____________s with own situations in your own life, and it may help you see life in a different perspective. Whether you fill in the ___________ in your head or leave a comment with your __________s filled in, it's completely up to you. What a __________ idea this blog is, right? Well, I hope you can find some sort of perspective from it and see that, in a way, humans can relate to eachother more than we really know... we just have to simply fill in the __________s differently.

Dear _____________________,

The date of today is ___________, the time is __________. It is natural for humans to look for happiness, and I think no matter what religion we are (I'm a _______ myself) our goal is to find things that make us... happy. so, where do we find it? I couldn't tell you. I've been looking everywhere. I mean, I try to find it in things in my daily routine, like when I ____________ in the morning or when I _________ to start my day. But they still don't satisfy. So I try buying things. I invest alot of my time in certain things I buy, like my _____________... I spend way too much time on it, and so do alot of my friends. And the fact is, I don't really think it's addicting afterall. At first I thought it was, and I would just blame my wasting time with/on it on it being addicting. But I'm discovering because we are constatly looking to be HAPPY, or be social, or find something that turns a light on in our soul and makes us feel warm inside; we invest all of our time on it. But look... still no happiness. Even with people. I have this one friend, _____________. We talk, we say hi, but you know why I'm friends with _________? Because wanted another one to add to my list. Someone more that I know. The more people I know, the more I socialize, and the more I'm happy, because the more popular I am. But no matter how many times I say hi to ________, I'm still not completley happy. But I know one word that is why I am not happy with these things, it's a common moral throughout time but I think everyone tries to grab it one time or another.


________________, it brings me happiness--- for a little bit of time. Maybe... an hour tops? But not FOREVER. Even if I continue to use _____________ everyday it still is not technically eternal. And that's what we need the most, a happiness that is eternal; not something that comes and goes like rain in the winter. We need something that will not take breaks from making us happy.

But we also need to realize that, no matter how much we want it to be, happiness is not eternal. Joy, yes. Happiness, no. There is a huge distinction. Happy IS temporary, joy is not. THAT's the difference. How do I get joy? Not from _______________ing everyday you don't. Joy is what remains through the thick and through the thin.

You see, I just went through a trial. My __________________ did/ said _________________, and it really affected me in the way ____________ ____________ed. But maybe because of that, I cna see what Joy really is--- being joyful through the hard times and all. What a crazy thought, instead of something cool like my ________________ bringing me happiness, I have a troublesome time bringing me a joy that's eternal instead. And that, I think, is when you see joy is forever--- in the darkest times. It's easier to see the light in the dark than anyplace else. It doesn't come easy of course, but it does come.

Your friend,